Lincoln Middle School has a geodesic dome and garden that were created to foster sustainability, education and involvement. Yet many…
After learning that their school sent 35,000 polystyrene (i.e., Styrofoam™) lunch trays each year to the local landfill, students decided…
Students gained math skills and ecological understanding studying how best to reduce food waste in their school cafeteria. Working closely…
Students brainstormed ways they might further “green” their school, following the installation of solar panels, and decided to improve lighting…
When students in Rob Lindsay’s class examined the school’s solid waste, they found that the cafeteria generated the majority of…
While studying the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy, eighth-grade students in Portland, Maine watched several Internet videos and…
After a visit from staff of the Maine Energy Education Program (MEEP), the eighth-grade class at Pemetic Elementary School decided…
To learn about their community’s health needs, tenth-graders met with the town manager and fire chief. They found that emergency…
Two representatives from the Vermont Department of Agriculture came to the Montpellier High School advanced Spanish class to discuss the…
During an ecology unit in their biology class, tenth graders read a local article on “Living with Lyme Disease.” As…