Project: Service-Learning (Trail)
Guided Discovery
Through reading about the benefits of trails, walking the actual trail, and meeting with the community partner. Students analyzed the YRBS data.
While walking the trail, students discovered the limitations of the trail. As a class, we brainstormed the problem and possible needs of the trail, along with possible solutions to help improve physical and mental health.
Lesson Plan/Activity
Please see email.
Students were able to improve the entrance of the trail to make it more visible and welcoming to the Tewksbury community. Students also enhanced the trail with directional signs and plant identification.
Community Impacts
The trail is now more accessible to community members.
Please see email.
SEL Competencies
Self Management
Social Emotional Learning
The students learned why people have different perspectives. Students were encouraged to self monitor their progress and advocate for themselves when needed. They practiced the difference between criticism and constructive criticism. They also utilized FOCUS to help become better listeners.
Contact Information
Marc Demers THMS phone number 978-640-7825 Shelli Ryan TMHS 978-640-7825
District Name
Tewksbury Public Schools
School Name
Wynn Middle School
Class/ProgramCredit Recovery Program / Summer School
Number of Teachers
Number of Students
Grade Level(s)
3 weeks, 30 mins/day, every day for 15 days
Community Partners
Michelle Dick, Janet Gordon and Paul Decker
Content Areas
[“English Language Arts & Literacy”,”Mathematics”,”Science & Technology Engineering”,”Arts”,”Comprehensive Health”]
Skills or Knowledge Learned
Math – Analysis of Daily Skills Report (7-8th) 8.SP.1, 8.SP.4 ELA – Article “Health Benefits of Getting Outside” and comprehension questions (7-8th) 8.RI.1, 8.RI.2