Mental Health Awareness

Project: Mental Health Awareness

Health Topics

Mental Health

Specific Health Community Problem

Better access to emotional support and therapeutic care for mental health challenges

Guided Discovery

From a deeper understanding of available resources for students in their school community


Please see attached proposals

Lesson Plan with YRBS Data


Bunny Yoga

Community Impacts

Based on similar projects, animal therapy relieves stress and helps mitigate the symptoms of anxiety and depression

Connection to Curriculum

Framework: 2.C.01.04 Demonstrate respect for diverse orientations.

SEL Competencies

Social Awareness

Specific SEL Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

*Work Collaboratively – Clearly define roles and responsibilities *Social Awareness – Active listening (they tend to want to talk over each other); Diverse backgrounds – developing empathy and patience *Decision-making – Learning what works for them may not work for everyone *Professionalism – How to draft an email, or make a phone call, to a community partner

District Name

Essex North Shore Ag/Tech

School Name

Essex Tech


Health Assisting

Number of Teachers


Number of Students


Grade Level(s)



February – April; 1-2 hours x 2-3/week

Community Partners

School guidance department; Express Yourself

Content Areas

Comprehensive Health