Increasing Access to Period Products

Project: Increasing Access to Period Products

Health Topics

Menstrual Health

Specific Health Community Problem

Increasing Access to Period Products

Guided Discovery

Through her research, Madeleine learned of legislation stating that all elementary and secondary public schools in the Commonwealth serving students in any grade from grade six through grade twelve shall provide period products in the restrooms at no charge to students. She brought this to the attention of school officials, who retrofitted the dispensers to provide free products. Madeleine created signs throughout the restroom to raise awareness of this change.


Through her research, Madeleine learned of legislation stating that all elementary and secondary public schools in the Commonwealth serving students in any grade from grade six through grade twelve shall provide period products in the restrooms at no charge to students. She brought this to the attention of school officials, who retrofitted the dispensers to provide free products. Madeleine created signs throughout the restroom to raise awareness of this change. Through her project, Madeliene collaborated with students to learn more about their perspective on it and the period products available to them at SACS and researched what other schools were doing. She learned about GoAuntFlow, a company providing free period products to students and their partner, Citron, for restocking and maintenance. She has provided SACS with valuable information regarding costs, budgeting, student preferences, and product samples to help inform the school’s decision-making process.

Lesson Plan with YRBS Data



Madeleine Lucas’s Service-Learning Project focused on addressing the lack of access to period products at Salem Academy. Noting that the absence of free and convenient period product dispensers led her to research the pervasiveness of this issue for American students, where she found that one in five teens lacked adequate access to menstrual products.

Community Impacts

Retrofitted dispensers at Salem Academy. Her project had a tangible impact on her school community, promoting awareness and access to essential menstrual products.

Connection to Curriculum

Reflecting on her project, Madeleine recognized her social awareness, self-management, communication, and research strengths. In March, was inducted into the Governor’s Youth Council and plans to continue addressing gender disparities through that role.

SEL Competencies

Self Management

Specific SEL Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Reflecting on her project, Madeleine recognized her social awareness, self-management, communication, and research strengths. In March, was inducted into the Governor’s Youth Council and plans to continue addressing gender disparities through that role.

District Name

Salem Academy Charter School

School Name

Salem Academy Charter School



Number of Teachers


Number of Students


Grade Level(s)



10 Service-Learning Days across the 2023-2024 school year + independent work time.

Community Partners

Administration + Operations at Salem Academy, Aunt Flow, Rep. Manny Cruz

Content Areas

Comprehensive Health