Grade 12 Health Service Learning

Project: Grade 12 Health Service Learning

Health Topics

Mental Health

Specific Health Community Problem

Students worked on fighting mental health stigma and spreading mental health awareness. They did this in the form of research and educational poster projects. The students also put together a handmade bracelet fundraiser in which they raised money for The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts or NAMI Mass which were sold at the school during Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

Guided Discovery

The students utilized Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data and National Alliance on Mental Illness to identify causes most interesting and important to them as well as to identify areas of highest need.


Students researched mental illnesses and mental healthcare and mental healthcare disparities locally. They came up with the solution to fundraise for the local cause NAMI Mass.

Lesson Plan with YRBS Data


Students created awareness posters for mental health disorders, fundraised $150+ for NAMI Mass in the form of bracelet sales, and fought mental health stigma in the form of poster projects during mental health awareness week, May!

Community Impacts

Students fought stigma, educated their peers, and raised money for NAMI Mass!

Connection to Curriculum

Mental and Emotional Health [5.3.MH] Develop an awareness that emotions may be expressed in different ways (e.g., through body language, intensity of expression) by various groups and in different cultures. [HPE; SE] Explain the importance of talking with friends, parents, guardians or other trusted adults about feelings and emotions. [HPE; SE] Demonstrate how to ask for assistance with mental health questions, issues or concerns (e.g., challenges with friends, feeling anxious). [HE; SE] Demonstrate how to discuss mental health and mental health conditions in culturally responsive ways and in ways that reduce stigma. [HE; SE] Identify signs and symptoms of mental distress in self and others, and how to get help for self or others. [HE; SE]

SEL Competencies

Social Awareness

Specific SEL Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Persistence, determination, learning acceptance/awareness/openess

District Name

Essex North Shore Ag/Tech

School Name

Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School


Grade 12 Health

Number of Teachers


Number of Students


Grade Level(s)



1 Semester

Community Partners

Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School (For bracelet materials funding)

Content Areas

Comprehensive Health