Drowning in Trash

Project: Drowning in Trash

Health Topics


Specific Health Community Problem

MV generates tons of trash that all have to be transported off-island.

Guided Discovery

Introduced the problem of waste on MV. Data analysis, used MV Commission data. Got more recent data from MVRDD.


Presentation by MVRD director about what happens with the trash and how much is generated. Toured the transfer station with staff person who described the process, problems, etc. Brainstormed solutions (e.g. additional water bottle filling stations in the school, more recycling bins, clothing swap.)

Lesson Plan with YRBS Data

Students look at the MV Health data, regarding solid waste on MV from 2008-2016. They consider how the different types of materials are dealt with (e.g. food waste, co-mingles, newspaper, cardboard, construction material, etc.) Students are informed about the new MA law requiring the recycling of textiles. After looking at all the possibilities, they will brainstorm possible projects to impact the amount of actual trash disposed of (rather than recyclables..


Organized a clothing swap.

Community Impacts

Hundreds of pounds of perfectly good kids clothing was reused rather than disposed of.

Connection to Curriculum

AASL Standards: Inquire (Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems. Collaborate (Workeffectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.

SEL Competencies

Relationship Skills

Specific SEL Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Relationships skills, decision making, social awareness & goal setting.

District Name

Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools

School Name

Edgartown School


7th grade enrichment class

Number of Teachers


Number of Students


Grade Level(s)



1 quarter (10 weeks,) 1 day/week (45 minutes) x 2

Community Partners

MV Refuse District, Edgartown Public Library

Content Areas

Science & Technology Engineering